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There are numerous ways to make money on the Internet. Some are better suited than others for your particular business. The key is to experiment and, even more important, track the results of your efforts. Here are some ideas that have worked out well for other marketers. I have included some sample of what you could write.
1. You can offer your e-book as a free bonus for buying one of your main products or services. People will buy your product or service more often when you offer a free bonus. If you do not have your own e-book, you can get the right to various books. They are often available free if you search.
“Get a free e-book when you order our ______ before _______!”
2. Another method is to allow people to download your e-book for free if they give you the e-mail addresses of 3 to 5 friends or associates who would be interested in your e-book. This will quickly build your email list.
“Download our e-book at no cost if, in exchange, you refer 3 of your friends to our website by email.”
3. It takes a little time, but it’s easy to do. Create a directory of web sites in e-book form. List people’s websites in the directory that will agree to advertise the e-book on their website or e-zine. This will give them an incentive to give away or advertise your e-book.
“Get a free ad in our free e-book in exchange for linking to our website!”
4. You should allow other people to give away your free e-book. This will greatly increase the number of people who will see your ad in the e-book. You can also include a mini catalog of all your products or services that you offer in the e-book. You can choose include your own products or your affiliate links to others’ products.
5. Always have people sign up and give you their contact information before they will be able to download your e-book. You could also use this as a very effective way to conduct market research by requesting their names, e-mail addresses, website addresses, mailing addresses, their interests, specific questions they may have, etc.
6. Make money selling advertising space in your e-book. You could charge for various sized color ads, classified ads or banners ads. You could also trade advertising space in your e-book in return for advertising your products or services.
“Promote your business in our free e-book for only $_____. It’s been downloaded over 5000 times!”
7. You can give away the e-book as a gift to your current customers as a way of letting them know you appreciate their business. You monetize this by placing an ad in the e-book for a new back-end product that you are offering.
“We are giving you this e-book as our way of thanking you for being a loyal customer.”
8. Also get free advertising by submitting your e-book to freebie and freeware/shareware websites. People will then download your e-book and see your ad. Those websites are already attracting a lot of visitors that are always looking for quality free products.
9. Make money by selling the reprint rights to marketers who want to sell your e-book. You can make more money by selling the master reprint rights. This would allow other people to resell the reprint rights. You should, of course, include your signature line or ad in these e-books also and get a lot of exposure.
10. Contests will always be popular and you can set up a contest right on your own website and offer your e-book as a prize. To really get peoples attention you can include other prizes with relatively high perceived value. You’ll get free publicity by submitting your contest ad to free contest or sweepstake directories.
11. You will often get valuable referrals from people who are telling friends about your e-book. Word-of-mouth, or viral, advertising is extremely effective. Just think of how many times that you have bought some products because one of your friends or family members recommended that you buy it?
12. Make money cross-promoting your e-book with other people’s products or services. This technique will double your marketing effort without spending more time and money on your part.
13. If you publish an e-zine, which you should, you can increase your subscribers base by giving away your e-book to people who sign up. This is a productive incentive to subscribe. Also allow your subscribers to give it away to multiply your list.
“Get our free marketing e-book by subscribing NOW!”
14. Give away the e-book to people as an incentive to join your affiliate program. This will increase the number of people that sign up to promote your business. The very best incentive for you to offer, other than prizes and cash payments, is to create an e-book for them to use that will help them promote your product or service. Then customize it so that each affiliate can have their affiliate link inside the e-book. This will take some time, but it will pay off big time.
15. The best way to get ad copy ideas is to study how other marketers promote their similar products. Collect their sales letters, classified ads, online ads, e-mail ads, etc. Set up a file that you can refer to as needed. When you see a good idea for a guarantee, for example, you can add some of your own ideas to it and then make it your ad. But make sure you don’t just copy it, of course.
16. Many marketers have been successful by offering a free e-book that contains a couple of sample chapters. If they like it, they will have the option of ordering the full version. It would work just like a software demo or shareware. Most people have at one time sampled something that they enjoyed and later on ended up buying it.
17. Whenever you give away something for free, make sure you attach a value to it. Of course, when you tell them that a freebie is worth with a certain dollar amount you’ve got to be realistic to be believable. Always remind them that the value of the bonuses make up the cost of the product they’re buying.
“Subscribe to my free e-zine! A $199 value!” or “You’ll get $1245.95 of bonuses!”
18. Add additional freebies to increase the value.
“Subscribe to my free e-zine and get free access to our “Subscribers Only” private website!”
“Download our free business e-book and also get a free report valued at $47!”
19. Create urgency by telling them the freebie is only available for a limited time.
“Download our free e-book, this offer will only be available until April 30.”
“Subscribe to our free e-zine before midnight tonight and get free access to our Members Only website.”
20. Always test your ads by using your autoresponder. You can have people email your autoresponder to request more information and then you just check your traffic reports. Publish your advertising copy and tell them your product will be released on a certain date. Then have them e-mail an autoresponder to be reminded when it’s released.
21. Credibility and trust with your visitors is something you need to work on building. One little step is as simple as to tell them something they already know. Don’t overlook these statements…they are effective.
“I know you’re really looking for a good bargain.”
“I know you don’t want to pay a lot for Internet access.”
22. Make residual income from your customers by selling back-end products. If you don’t have any of your own, you need to sign up with related affiliate programs.
“Thanks for ordering our product. If you would like to learn more about Internet marketing, I highly recommend (affiliate product)!”
23. Most serious marketers use a redirect page to increase their sales. People view the long affiliate URLs as unprofessional in emails, so you should redirect them to a web link. If you have signed up with an affiliate program and it has a really long URL, you should use a redirect page to shorten it in your ad. It takes your customer to the redirect page and then they are sent to the target web site.
24. When the time comes that you consider yourself an expert in your niche, it’s time to start considering making additional income by charging for consulting. The consulting should be related to your website’s theme. Start out by giving free 15-minute consultations as a sample of what you have to offer. You can do them by phone or in a chat room. If people like what they they hear, they may be willing pay your hourly fee for more advanced mentoring.
25. People like surprises because it’s a change of pace from the daily routine. Offer your prospects a surprise free bonus for ordering. It will be a mystery for them. There are people who will order just to find out what the surprise bonus is. It is a natural tendency in people to be curious.
26. Everyone wants life to be easier, therefore it is imperative to give your prospects easy ordering instructions and easy product instructions. Make it easy for them. There’s no room for frustration if you want to keep them as customers or clients.
“Our product comes with step-by-step, easy ordering instructions!”
“Our website offers 5 easy ways to order!”
27. People want to feel secure and safe. Stress to your prospects that you have secure ordering and display your privacy policy.
“We want you to feel safe and secure and offer you the most secure online ordering system available.”
28. People want to feel that they made the right decision after a purchase. They like to be complimented for their achievements, including their purchases. Give your prospects plenty of compliments for considering your product and then afterward congratulate them on their wise decision.
“You made a very smart choice by waiting to learn more about e-book marketing.”
29. We are all curious about things that could affect our current lifestyle. If you could use words like “Secret” or “Confidential” in your ad chance are that you will see increased response.
“Who wants to learn the 7 secrets of attracting more responsive projects. Get our Confidential Report.”
“If you order before April 15, you will also get a Secret Mystery Gift valued at $200!”
30. People want to invest in their future rather than being sold. Convince your prospects to “invest in your product” instead of “buy our product”.
“This will be the most intelligent investment you’ve ever made!”
“It will be your most profitable investment of 2008!”
Wishing You The Best In Online Success,
Kaare Pedersen
Joe Congo, LLC
Kaare Pedersen is an author, seminar speaker and Internet entrepreneur.
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